This Agreement is dated and arranged by Space Refinery Ltd t/a Mi Casa Su Casa (the “Agent”) and is made between you, the Guest, and the Host directly. This is a licence to occupy the Accommodation during the period set out below and the Guests have not been granted exclusive possession of the Property.

You should read this Agreement carefully and only sign this Agreement if you wish to be bound by the Agreement in its entirety.


1.1 The Agreement sets out the terms on which we provide you with managed services in respect of your Property. By entering into the Agreement you also agree to our Website Terms which you can find at https://micasasucasahomestays.staydirectly.com.  Your ongoing instruction of us signifies your continued acceptance of the terms of the Agreement. It is important that you read the Agreement carefully before accepting it.

1.2 To the extent this Agreement is signed by an agent of the Guest, it is deemed to also bound the Guest named above, and the Guest has expressly agreed to the terms in this Agreement.

1.3 In consideration of the monies paid by the Guest, the Host permits the Guest to stay in the Property subject to the terms of this Agreement.

1.4 The Guest agrees that Mi Casa Su Casa may pass on certain information to the Host in connection with the Booking if this is required.



2.1 This license permits the Guest to stay at the Property and permits the Guest to access the Property through any common areas of any building of which it forms part for the period from the Booking Start Date to the Booking End Date and for any extension we agree.

2.2 This permission is conditional of prompt payment of a fee and subject to appropriate behaviour on the part of the Guest.

2.3 Permission can be withdrawn on very limited notice and does not create any form of legal interest in the Property, any building of which it forms part, or other premises.

2.4 Nothing in this document or any other agreement creates a tenancy in respect of the Property, or any other premises, and the Guest has no right to exclusive possession of the Property.

2.5 The Property is a home and as such may contain personal possessions; these remain the property of the Host and any removal of these possessions may be treated as theft.

2.6 The License is personal to the individual named as the Guest above and it cannot be assigned or transferred to any other party and no other person is authorised to stay at the Property.



3.1 To protect the Host’s interest the Property, the Guest agrees to verify their identity (ID) in advance of the stay and the Guest agrees to submit a photographic ID.

3.2 The Host or Mi Casa Su Casa, acting as the Host’s Agent, may pass the Guest’s details to a third-party provider to carry out ID verification, and other checks.

3.3 No access to the Property can be given if the ID verification has not been satisfactorily completed (such determination to be at the Host’s or Mi Casa Su Casa’s sole discretion).



4.1 The Guest acknowledges that they are liable for all damage caused to the Property during their stay.

4.2 The Guest agrees to compensate the Host for any losses they might suffer due to damage to the Property, any of its fixtures or fittings, or due to any nuisance or annoyance caused to any occupier of a neighbouring premises, which occurs as a result of any failure by the Guest to report any required repair to the Host, Mi Casa Su Casa promptly, or any failure to take reasonable action to minimize the effects of any issue and prevent the problem becoming more serious.

4.3 If the Host, Mi Casa Su Casa, or our third party, cannot get the comfort required, we may take a Security Deposit as stated in the Listing to be returned after 7 days from checkout subject to satisfactory check-out inspection.

4.4 The Guest acknowledges that these losses may be greater than the Security Deposit or Guarantee and agrees they will be liable for the full amount.

4.5 If the Guest does not report a required repair to the Host or Mi Casa Su Casa, and it only becomes obvious after the Guest has left the Property, then the Host shall be entitled to assume that the damage has been caused by the Guest’s negligence or carelessness and charge the Guest accordingly.



5.1 All the obligations under this license are those of the Guest or any other person the Guest allows to enter the Property, whether the Host or Mi Casa Su Casa have been notified of that person’s attendance or not.

5.2 The Guest takes full responsibility for the behaviour of any person they have permitted to enter the Property.

5.3 No legal rights are granted to the Guest or any other party in respect of the Property, any building of which it forms part, or any other premises.

5.4 All obligations on the Guest in respect of the Property apply equally in relation to any building of which the Property forms part and in relation to any access, parking, or right of way associated with the Property

6. USE

6. USE

6.1 The Guest agrees to use the Property for residential purposes only and not to:

a) damage, rearrange or remove any of the personal belongings of the Host from the Property and/or the Property in anyway;

b) open any of the cupboards, wardrobes, drawers or other areas which have been taped shut or enter any rooms where the doors have been locked, and will be liable to pay a minimum fee of at least GBP 50 if done;

c) operate any form of business from the Property unless specifically agreed to;

d) use the Property for any illegal or immoral purpose;

e) consume or keep illegal drugs at the Property;

f) carry out any action that would cause damage or deterioration of the Property;

g) bring animals into the Property unless specifically agreed, save for disabled assistance dogs (where agreed);

h) invade the privacy of the Host nor publish or reveal anything which might allow a third party to identify the address of the Property or the identity of the Host (even if such information is already in the public domain);

i) smoke inside the property

6.2 The Guest further always agrees to use the Property in a reasonable and responsible manner.



7.1 The Guest agrees to operate any appliance, fixtures and fittings provided by the Host or by Mi Casa Su Casa in accordance with provided instructions and in a reasonable and careful manner.



8.1 The Guest agrees not to cause excessive noise in the Property.

8.2 The Guest agrees to use the Property in a manner which does not cause a nuisance to other persons residing in neighbouring or nearby buildings.

8.3 The Guest agrees not to obstruct, harass, cause nuisance to, or inconvenience any person residing, working from or on behalf of the Host or Mi Casa Su Casa, or carrying out their lawful business in the building or immediate areas.

8.4 There is a strict policy against parties or gatherings in the Property.

8.5 Any substantiated complaint of a party will result in any visitors to the Property involved in the party being asked to leave and may lead to immediate termination of this license.



9.1 The Guest agrees not to display any form of sign or logo that is visible from the exterior of the Property and not to use the Property, it’s address, or location, in any form of advertising or promotional material



10.1 The Guest agrees to promptly report any items within the Property that require repair to the Host or Mi Casa Su Casa.

10.2 The Guest also agrees to act as soon as they become aware of any problem to minimise its effects and prevent it becoming worse or causing nuisance to the occupier of any neighbouring premises.

10.3 The Guest agrees to compensate the Host for any losses they might suffer due to damage to the Property, any of its fixtures or fittings, or due to any nuisance or annoyance caused to any occupier of a neighbouring premises which occurs as a result of any failure by the Guest to report any required repair to the Host or Mi Casa Su Casa promptly, or to take reasonable action to minimise the effects of any issue and prevent the problem becoming more serious.

10.4 If the Guest does not report a required repair to the Host or Mi Casa Su Casa, and it only becomes obvious after the Guest has left the apartment, then the Host shall be entitled to assume that the damage has been caused by the Guest's negligence or carelessness and charge the Guest accordingly.



11.1 The Guest agrees that the Host, Mi Casa Su Casa, or any agents, contractors or representatives approved by them may enter the Property for any reason at any time without notice.

11.2 From time to time access will be required by Mi Casa Su Casa, the Host or agents, contractors or representatives approved by them to show potential guests, tenants, or purchasers around the Property.

11.3 The Host or Mi Casa Su Casa will always try to enter the Property during normal working hours but they may do so at other times.

11.4 The Guest agrees not to impede such access in any way at any time.

11.5 Access may be effected whether or not the Guest is in attendance.



12.1 The Guest will keep the Property properly ventilated to ensure that there is no build-up of damp or moisture or of cooking smells, smoke, or grease.



13.1 The Guest will dispose of all rubbish and waste promptly using the facilities provided.

13.2 The Guest will not dispose of waste or rubbish in any system not designed for this purpose.

13.3 The Guest will take care to avoid blocking or causing damage to drains or sanitary appliances by seeking to dispose of inappropriate items or abrasive, corrosive, or hazardous substances using them.



14.1 The Guest will use the cooking facilities provided with reasonable care and according to the manufacturer’s instructions and with proper ventilation so as not to cause damage to the Property, building or any fixtures and fitting and so as not to cause fire or smoke alarms to be activated.



15.1 The Guest will keep the Property clean and tidy.

15.2 The Guest will bear primary responsibility for the Property’s condition upon departure, even if Mi Casa Su Casa has supplied separate cleaning services.


Mi Casa Su Casa London
Tamara Tymovski
4 Charles Street, London W1J 5DE

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